Thursday, April 3, 2008

I have one hour to pull together some sort of short essay on a book debating the Civil Rights Movement.
I am, of course, doing other things.
I love the Vito and Jimmy John's but my mouth now tastes like said sandwich and probably will the rest of the night. Gross.
In order to graduate on time, I will have to do an internship this summer, take 16 hours this fall, and 18 next spring. These are all really writing and reading intensive classes too. I also have to take two science classes because Columbia College sucks ass.
I just found Julia Sweeney's blog... I love her. Not just because her last name is Sweeney, like me, but because she's one of the only women writing about atheism out there. I love Dawkins and Hitchens, for sure. Hitchen's God is not Great makes me tingle. But if one of the critiques of religion is its patriarchy and, above that, outright misogyny, shouldn't women feel they have a place as an atheist/agnostic commentator? There just aren't that many. Or, maybe there are, and we are willing to hear them and are more apt to listen to a man tell us about science and evolution and those very male denominated fields. Whatever the reason is, more women need to be represented and Julia rocks. Maybe I'll be the next Sweeney to take up the cause.
Okay. For real. I need to go write this damn essay.

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