I am that bachelor.
I live with a chef. He takes care of all that. He's in Nevada for work this week and I have to say that I am, indeed, a gross, helpless bachelor.
I can make food. I am getting better. But I'm just not motivated. It's so much easier to order in. I'm thinking about challenging myself to stay away from the grocery store until he comes home, eating the rest of the cereal, oatmeal, and other random things lurking in the cabinets before they go bad. I'll save money and food won't go to waste.
The idea, though, of just eating cereal for the next 4 1/2 days just isn't appealing.
I have also eaten an abundance of frozen egg rolls.
However, I did clean a lot the last two days. I got a lot of reading done for school Monday. Jake and I went on a long walk today and explored more of Lakewood-Balmoral historic home district. I have a love affair with all things vintage and those homes, bungalow, cottage, or soaring mansion, make me swoon. SWOON!
I sort of realized while looking at my class schedule for next semester that I am basically minoring in Dr. Jeff Edwards. He is my FAVORITE professor, my adviser, and I have taken 4 classes with him. Most of the minors at RU consist of 6 classes... so, two more classes with him and I think I'm gonna try to make them give me a certificate. :o)
Okay. I think I really really need to use the oven for more than heating up frozen egg rolls. I am going to the grocery. Sigh.
Oh, and Jakester says hello. He wants you to know that this is his impersonation of Yoda. He's very proud of it.

1 comment:
hhaahahaha...eggrolls and yoda. brilliant.
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