It has taken me a while to write on this, because a) I have been writing for school (which I should be doing right now) and b) I had no idea how to tackle this topic because it seems so simple, yet people don't get it. How do you simplify a simple topic?
On this year's Telethon, Jerry Lewis called someone the F word... fag. I HATE this word. I have heard it used too many times in ignorance, hate, and fear. I hate this word. So, Lewis used it. On the live telethon. Did you know that?
A lot of people don't know because it was hardly covered in the media. I read about it in Chicago Free Press, the Chicago GLBT paper. Even then, it was just a blurb. I'm not mad at the GLBT community for not being more outraged; I think the community has learned to take the high road and not bitch about ignorant assholes like Lewis. What does upset me though is the coverage and conversation surrounding the Don Imus slur in contrast. He called the Rutgers women's basketball team "nappy headed hoes." Wow, Imus. Double whammy. Racism AND sexism! Sweet.
I'm not saying that didn't deserve the press. Of course it did. I'm saying, why hasn't Jerry Lewis been publicly ridiculed for an equally ridiculous comment? Racism sucks, it still exists, and we should still fight to end it. But shouldn't we do the same for heterosexism? It sucks, it definitely stille exists, and it's more acceptable, I think, than racism.
Issues of gender are ignored. Who were the people talking about Imus? Black leaders. May I point out that he didn't just use the word nappy, but hoes. Where was NOW? Where was Feminist Majority? Did they try to weigh in, but were ignored because they were feminists? Wouldn't surprise me, it happens all the time. Maybe that's what happened with the Lewis incident. The GLBT community, once again, ignored.
I forget how far we have to go sometimes. I live in a large urban area with multiple "gay neighborhoods" in town. I have friends who identify as gay, lesbian, pansexual, trans, and queer. But then I see how it really is.
Is it the Christian right, telling everyone that homosexuality is a sin? Is that the difference? I think we all need to be reminded that not long ago, we enslaved African Americans, used them for medical experiements, proved "scientifically" that they were different that whites, and interacial relationships were not just taboo, but illegal. Now, racist comments are generally not accepted in the mainstream and racism, though alive and thriving even, must operate pretty subtly. Not so with discrimination against the GLBT community. What's the difference? It's sad to me that people can't get over themselves and what they've been told and read a damn book. Do some damn research or some THINKING! There is homosexuality in the animal kingdom, to all of those who say it isn't a natural act. Straight people also participate in "unnatural" sexual practices. Marriage was originally a business contract, an exchange of the woman as property, and a smart financial decision. Now we've made it about heterosexual love and childrearing.
There are so many other points, but I know that at this point, it's just going to take time. People are still racist, years after civil rights legislation. I guess I can't expect much in a country where there is no marriage equality, adoption eqality, or where Fred Phelps has the right to speak. But, Phelps was sued recently, so that's a step. And why shouldn't I expect people to wrap their head around the fact that racism is no worse than any sort of discrimination and that discriminating against anyone hurts all of us? I guess I'm idealistic. I guess I should keep my secular, humanist views to myself as to not offend those people who so offend me with their ignorant hate of a community that I so dearly love.
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