Two years of a crappy, get-me-through-college, I know I can be replaced, corporate bull shit.... it's all gone! I haven't not worked in college. I've always had rent or a mortgage and everything else life brings. Now, I have a sugar daddy. :o) Okay, what I really have is a fiancee with a career, which is quite the concept to the struggling student that I am. So, this wonderful man and I paid bills last month and crunched the numbers and figured out that I'd be able to enjoy being a student these last couple semesters of my degree.
Oh. Cool. What a concept. And what are these days of the week I have now, referred to as Friday, Saturday, and Sunday?
What did I do today instead of making sandwiches?
I made, from scratch, without the help of my chef fiancee, or anyone else, broccoli potato soup. And it turned out really, really well.

Then, I sat down, put on the mixed CD I made for the housewarming party Molly and I had for the Cullom Ave. apt, almost exactly two years ago, March 25th, 2006. I sat and thought about how life changes, how she and I are both engaged, and both homeowners (quite a switch from the cat piss scented apartments of our past). I enjoyed my delicious hot soup, though it was not as warm as my fuzzy memories.

So excited by this excellent mixed CD I made, I began to dance. I got caught by my neighbors. I waved and kept going.

The point of me quitting my job was, officially, to give me more time to study. But, my bookcase sat untouched.

But I still have the rest of the evening and tomorrow, save the morning when David, off work the WHOLE DAY!, will make us pancakes before we head for a romp at the dog beach with Jake.
My job wasn't hard, it didn't stress me out...but, somehow, I feel so much better. I don't know if it's because I don't have three days or more blocked away in my mind to just stand on the line, asking people who are on their cell phones "How are you today?" and "Mayo, mustard, hot peppers?" And, now I feel that I have time for school and the beautiful things in life like cooking, thinking, dancing, and hanging out with this beautiful little guy.

1 comment:
Freedom from BS jobs is just wonderful. Obviously you already know that, but I felt the need to reiterate... =c)
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