Monday, February 11, 2008

We took Jake on his first long car trip this weekend. The only other time we've had him in a car was bringing him home when we adopted him. On the way back, he drooled more than any dog I have ever seen. But the trip wasn't that far, and once we got him out, he stopped. We laughed it off. Apparently he drools a little when he gets nervous.
A little turned into buckets during our three hours to Indy. It was, without any exaggeration, as if there was a faucet in his face that wouldn't turn off. We had his blanket under him, and there were good portion of the blanket that were saturated, soaked through, with drool. His little paws looked as if he'd been jumping in puddles. It was funny...and gross. I guess cars make him nervous yet, and it makes sense. Some of us humans sweat when we get nervous, and dogs "sweat" by panting. If this was what happened, Jake was one nervous dude.
Pictures will come later today when I get home. I can't describe it well enough to give you the full effect. Hilarious.
I'm starting to worry about our sanities, though. I have this voice that I do...that is supposed to be Jake. I think it is how Jake would speak, and more than once on our car ride, "Jake" and David and Mary-Margaret had coversations. They weren't long. Don't lock me up yet. But perhaps the two humans in Jake's life should be mindful of the trend, and to keep it in check.

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